Double Shift for Giles
Monday 14th January 2019
As is the normal practice Philadelphia Lodge of Installed Royal Ark Mariner Commanders and Philadelphia Lodge of Installed Mark Masters, both of whom bear the number 1646, had their installation meetings on the same day. On this occasion it was to be the last meeting of these two prestigious lodges at Wellington Park, Leyland.
Terry Dickinson, Giles Berkley, Geoff Waters, Neil MacSymons and David Emerson
Assistant Provincial Grand Master Giles Berkley was the principal guest at both meetings. Throughout the day he was under the watchful eye of Provincial Director of Ceremonies David Emerson who was assisted in keeping due decorum by Terry Dickinson who is one of his Assistants.
Some Grand chaps!
The first meeting was the R.A.M. installation which saw Neil MacSymons install Geoff Waters as his successor. Although Geoff is of course, given the name of the lodge, a Past Commander there was still ample work for Neil to undertake. Given Neil’s Masonic C.V. it came as no surprise when his work was undertaken with great style and accuracy. It was a delight to observe.
The exposition of the degree was superbly delivered by Giles.
The workers Secretary Bryan Fox and Treasurer John Sarti
The officers invested and appointed, and the rest of the business despatched, the lodge was closed and there then followed a break whilst the room was altered so as to be fit the purposes of the Mark degree.
After a quick change David Emerson, Giles Berkley and Terry Dickinson
A change of regalia and roles also took place with, for example, Bryan Fox moving from Secretary in the R.A.M. to D.C. in the Mark. Nonetheless despite the various changes of role and ritual all went smoothly.
Outgoing Master Bill Bruce set the tone in installing Jim Richards in his stead in a sincere and pleasant manner.
Giles Berkley, Jim Richards, Bill Bruce and special representative David Robinson.
Giles was called into action once again to deliver the Address to the Brethren. His oration met the high standard of his earlier work.
Rod Bennison undertook the Address to the Worshipful Master, Howard Emmett that to the Wardens and Alan Fairhurst performed a similar task in respect of the Overseers. All played their part well in what was an excellent ceremony.
The “Bling Brigade”.
A joint installation banquet was held and I have to report that it was very well received with the tasty chicken receiving very favourable reviews.
On the face of it holding a brace of installation meetings on the same day may seem a bit much. As both new Masters were of course already previous holders of similar positions the ceremonies were somewhat truncated and streamlined though still both meaningful and challenging for those undertaking the work. The R.A. meeting commenced at 3.45 pm and the Tyler proposed his toast at 9.30 pm. so it was not too overlong.
Howard Emmett, Rod Bennison and Alan Fairhurst
All Past, and indeed present, Worshipful Commanders and Worshipful Mark Masters qualify to be able to join the Philadelphia Lodges. As someone from the far north I have found it a great way of getting to know people from around this great Province of ours as well as keeping in contact with those friends I have made whilst serving as an acting provincial officer. If you qualify and are thinking of joining I would recommend it to you (but you’ll have to pay your won fees).
Grey seals (halichoerus grypus)
As my regular reader knows I often include a photo from the wilds of Furness in my piece. On this occasion, for no good reason, I include a picture of a pair of seals off Walney Island watching me watching them.
Words and pictures by David Sear